Sun Java Version 1.4 Download Mac

Installing the Java Plug-in

  • Customers interested in learning more about Sun's Java Technology Support and EOL policy » Read More. On Solaris 9 and Solaris 10 Java SE 1.4.2 JDK packages for Solaris will continue to be available for Sun contract customers. For information on how to download the JDK for use on Solaris 9 and Solaris 10 with Sun software.
  • If you don't have a Sun JRE, download a package that includes it, or download it from jose 1.4.4 for Windows requires Windows 98 or later and Sun JRE 1.4 or 1.5.

The Laj and Maj applets are written for Java 1.2 (a.k.a.J2SE 1.2), and theoretically any web browser that fully supportsthis (or any higher version) should work. However, for bestcompatibility we recommend that you download and install the officialJava Plug-in software from Sun Microsystems.This plug-in generally works with a variety of web browsers,including Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Mozilla.

The main overview page for the Java Plug-in product is, and an assortmentof download links is available at also provides a simplified download facility (latest versiononly), which is accessible via the 'Download NOW' button at details about exactly which platforms are supported, see

The plug-in isusually bundled with the Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) and theJava 2 Software Development Kit (JDK/SDK). If you are given a choicebetween these, either will do; the JRE is smaller because itdoesn't include developer tools, but both of them contain theplug-in. Note that even though Laj does not currently use any Javafeatures beyond 1.2, as of this writing it is compiled with version1.3.1 of Sun's SDK, so running it with the corresponding version(or higher) of the plug-in is recommended. We have, however,observed some drawing anomalies with the 1.4.x series on someplatforms (including 'phantom repeats' in the symbol panel andfailure to draw the zoom box and crosshairs), so you may want tostick with 1.3.x or 1.5.x.

Sun Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Microsoft had to take down their virtual machine because of some legal issues. But you don't even have to use the Microsoft VM, you can use Sun Microsystem's version, and it seems to work just fine. Automatic Download and Installation (for Windows Vista, XP, Me, NT, 2000, or 98 and Internet Explorer).

Each download should come with installation instructions(read them!), but here are some additional platform-specifictips.


We recommend that you delete any previously installed versionsof the plug-in, JRE, JDK, and/orSDK before you install the new one, to avoid getting them mixed.For example, in Windows 98 you can do this by opening the Startmenu and choosing Settings - Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs,then selecting from the list the items you want to uninstall.After the new installation is complete, you may need to closeand restart your browser to make it recognize the new plug-in,or even reboot your computer.

Note that versions of Sun's Java above 1.3.x will not work onWindows 95.


Currently Sun does not have a Java Plug-in for Macs, but Mac OS Xships with a sufficiently recent version of Java already included,and further updates may be available via Apple's Software Updatemechanism (depending on your version of OS X). We have observeddisplay anomalies in some versions (e.g., red circle has a blackbackground), but Laj et al. should still be usable.For Mac OS Classic, Apple has a Java runtime called MRJ 2.2.5, butunfortunately it only supports Java 1.1.8 (not Java 1.2) and thuswill not work with our applets.

For more information about Java on the Mac, see and


Sun now provides versions of the Java Plug-in for Linux, ineither RPM or self-extracting binary format.Be sure to read the installation notes first,for system requirements and detailed instructions.


Note that Solaris 8 already includes Java 1.2, though you maywant to install a newer version. Sun provides versions of theJava Plug-in for Solaris on both Sparc and x86 processors.Be sure to read the installation notes first,for system requirements and detailed instructions. In particular,note that you may need to apply some Solaris patches to yoursystem before installing Java, and possibly obtain additionalfonts. You might also want to uninstall any previous versions ofthe plug-in, JRE, JDK, and/or SDK to avoid getting them mixed. Afterthe installation, you may need to close and restart your browserto make it recognize the new plug-in.

One last bit of advice: at one point during our installation,we were instructed to enter the command xhost + ,but this is a bad idea because it seriously compromises yoursystem security. If this message appears, we recommend using propersecurity protocols instead.

Cathy Riemer, December 2005
(based on document by Rich Pattis)

You may want to print these instructions before proceeding.You should read each step completely before performing the action it describes.Because these products may change slightly each semester, I would appreciate it if you would let me know if you find any discrepancies between these instructions and what actually happens when you try to follow them.


The following instructions were composed for installing Sun Java 1.4.2_09.This is not the latest version, but it is the one that we are using this semester.Note: Java is already installed as part of Mac OS X, so no further installation is necessary for these machines.

A typical Java installation takes about 120 megabytes of disk space (plus the 52 Mb download, which you should keep on your machine, in case you need to reinstall it).The installation process reports the exact size.


  1. Click Download Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v 1.4.2 (J2SE)
    A page, with this label in orange, will be displayed in your browser.
  2. Find the black bar labeled J2SE v 1.4.2_09 SDK.
    Note that the last three letters are SDK NOT JRE. A page, with this label Download in orange, will be displayed in your browser.
  3. Click the link under it labeled Download J2SE SDK.
  4. Click the Accept button, which appears under Required in red (it is in a small font: look for it carefully).
    This page will re-display itself, with this information absent.
  5. Find the black bar labeled Windows Platform - Java(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.4.2_09
  6. Click the link labeled Windows Offline Installation, Multi-language
  7. Save the file it is about to download somewhere on your disk drive. The file will be named j2sdk-1_4_2_09-windows-i586-p.exe. The exact form of this interaction will depend on the version of your operating system. Store this exe file somewhere permanent on your disk drive, so that you can reexecute it (reinstall Java) later, if necessary.
  8. Terminate (X) any windows remaining from this process.


  1. Double-click the file that you just downloaded, to run it.
    You will see an InstallShield Wizard window temporarily, then a Preparing to Install window temporarily. You will then see a License window.
  2. Click the 'I accept the terms...' button.
  3. Click the Next button.
    You will see a Custom Setup window. The default is to get a full installation (~120Mb)
  4. Click the Next button.
    You will see a Browser Registration window. If you need to, select a browser.
  5. Click the Install button.
    You will see a Progress window, an InstallShield window, a Preparing to Install window, and another Progress window. Eventually (from 15 seconds to a few minutes) you will see a CompleteWindow.
  6. Click the Finish button.

Class Path

Occassionally, something goes wrong during installation that is notdiscovered until you first try to compile or run yourprogram.

If you try to compile or run a java program and it doesn'tunderstand the javac or java commands, that means that something wentwrong in installation and you need to set your classpath. Instructions for fixing this can be found at:

Look at step 5, listed as optional.


Download Java 1.4